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British Postgraduate Musicology

Call for papers

British Postgraduate Musicology is an independent peer-reviewed journal run by postgraduates for postgraduates. It is published annually online, is available free-of-charge, and is read by hundreds of scholars around the world. BPM is an excellent opportunity to gain experience of the publishing process and get that first publication under your belt!

There is not currently a formal call for papers, although we are always looking out for potential contributors. Please get in touch should you have an article you would wish to be considered for publication. Articles should be up to 4,000 words in length; we also welcome reviews and responses to recent secondary literature, conferences and events (up to 2,000 words), as well as announcements, letters and event listings.

Please email submissions (most common document types are accepted) to bpmusicology@gmail.com or editor@bpmonline.org.uk. Please see notes below if you wish to contribute.

Rachel Jeremiah-Foulds
Editor, British Postgraduate Musicology

Notes for Contributors

British Postgraduate Musicology provides an opportunity to gain valuable experience of preparing a paper for publication, and is an opportunity to be read and noted by a worldwide audience of musicologists. We invite articles of up to 4000 words on any subject within all fields of musicology; review-essays, correspondence and recent conference reports are also welcomed. Submissions should be sent by e-mail to bpmusicology@gmail.com or editor@bpmonline.org.uk. Most common text document formats for Mac or PC are accepted. Images and musical examples should be sent as .jpg or .gif files unless by prior arrangement with the editor. Images and musical examples under copyright may be used under the terms of 'fair dealing'; please consult with your library, supervisor or other sources if you are unsure of what this entails. All copyrighted images must be accompanied by full copyright information. Submissions must be written in stylish, proofread British English and prospective authors are encouraged to seek guidance from their supervisors before submitting. For matters of bibliographic style please consult the current online volume. References must take the form of endnotes. All items submitted will be reviewed by the Editorial Board, whose decision is final.

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